Raj Ratan Pugalia

Associate Director

Raj Ratan Pugalia is a Commerce and Law Graduate from Calcutta University and a member of Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. He has more than 27 years of corporate experience in various Organisations and various Industries such as Construction, Real Estate, IT Industry, Oil Drilling Company, Finance Company, Multi-Product Company and Export Company in the capacity from Assistant Manager to CFO, handling Various Port-Folios including Finance, Accounts, MIS & Budgeting, Internal Auditing etc. He has also handled IPO of FCS Software Solutions Limited as Compliance Officer.

He introduced and implemented various systems in the Organisations he worked with including Optimal Commercial use of Plant & Machinery, In-House Internal Audit System, Material & Labour Reconciliations and introduced various reports from ERP in a big Construction Company.

He also helped in ERP implementation and introduced Cost Reduction methods at Sites of an Oil Drilling Company.

He worked in Corporate Office of a Multi-Product Company wherein he implemented MIS Reporting System and Budgeting of various Manufacturing Units.

He brings in rich experience of Internal Audit, Material Reconciliation and MIS Reporting of Construction and Real Estate Industry.